What is in Your Air Ventilation System?
A blanket of dust... Decayed animals...Insects...Molds...Larva...Wood Chips...???
All of the above can cause illness in your family!
FEDDERS FURNACE & AIR DUCT CLEANING has removed this debris from many homes in the area. A dirty air handling system is an inefficient heating and cooling system.
After Fedders Furnace & Air Duct Cleaning, you should...
- Spend less money for utility bills
- Give your family cleaner air to breathe
For Your Information
- Nine out of ten system failures are caused by dirt and dust. (LCES Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service.)
- A build-up of .042 inches of dirt on a heating or cooling coil can result in a decrease in efficiency of 21 percent. (EPA)
- Fifty percent of all illnesses are either caused or aggravated by polluted indoor air. (American College of Allergists)
- Children are more likely than adults to be affected by polluted indoor air — they breathe faster, inhale more air per unit of body weight and are closer to the ground where concentrations are high. (Dept. of Consumer Affairs)
- The elderly, asthmatics and people with breathing problems, allergies and lung diseases are also likely to be more sensitive to pollutants. (Dept. of Consumer Affairs)
- Most people spend 60 to 90 percent of their time indoors. (ALA American Lung Association)
- Indoor air found to be up to 70 times more polluted than outdoor air. (EPA)
Check List
- Are you replacing your old furnace?
- Do your vent covers and the wall and ceiling areas adjacent to them look solid or discolored?
- Do horizontal surfaces, such as table tops, get dusty shortly after cleaning?
- In your furnace, is your return air compartment or fan dirty?
- Do household members suffer from allergy, sinus, or bronchial problems?
- Do you notice any unusual odors when the furnace or air conditioner is operating?
- Have you suffered a recent fire or water loss?
If you have answered "Yes" to one or more of the above questions, you should have your heating, cooling, and ventilation system cleaned immediately.